Strongly present in the here and now and aware of our qualities, with clarified life goals in accordance with our values, we are now equipped to explore our past and the moments in our life which have created the demons that haunt us today.
- Develop our intuition
- learn to trust our intuition
- Put past events into perspective
Requirements: having participated in at least 10 sessions of module 2: managing our emotions
To learn more about Dynamic Sophrology, is benefits, how it works and the organisation of modules and sessions:
Dates of the sessions : Wednesdays between 19h30 and 20h30 from 10/10 until 19/12
Place: MeoCorpore – Champ Maret, 1 – 7090 Ronquières
Price of one cycle: €180
For more information and to sign up, contact me on 0485 29 46 02 or .