Dynamic Sophrology Congress – 28, 29 and 30 september 2018 in Rennes


Congress of the Fédération Européenne de Sophrologie Dynamique® in Rennes

CONNECTION RECONNECTION Reconnecting to oneself in a hyperconnected world
Computers, smartphones, social networks, e-mails, text messages are now a part of our daily life. What is our physical and emotional relation to our hyperconnected world where there is less and less space, and time seems to speed up?

Dynamic Sophrology® can be an important tool to help us “adjust” to these new ways of life and their consequences: attention and memory problems, dependancy on screen, musculoskeletal issues, insomnia, headaches, stress and burn-out, or even social or family breakdowns.

This fourth congress, organised by the FESD, will be the occassion to explore our 5 intelligences: physical, emotional, rational and transcendent, and become aware of of the anergy ressources we can use to reconnect with them.

This congress offers conferences (Adalberto Barretto, Gilles Pentecôte), practical workshops, exchanges, artistic axpressions, and is open to sophrologues of all schools as well as people practicing sophrology and newcomers.

All information can be found on their website: www.congres-federation-sophrologie.eu